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Beware of "Schmuck in a Truck" Roofing Contractors

A storm rolls through, leaving roofs in disarray and our community in need. A storm chaser swoops in to make a quick buck and preys on the neighborhood. You’ve probably seen them – out of state license plates, beat up trucks, no company branded clothes. That is “Schmuck in a Truck”. Beware of these “storm chasers” and consider these things when receiving a quote or “temporary repair” from one of these “roofers”.

Rundown Schmuck in a Truck

They always offer the “best deals” …

Schmuck uses high pressure sales tactics and probably claims to offer the “best deal” – but only if you hire him on the spot. Avoid making rushed decisions and always research potential roofing contractor.

They’re working on all the houses in your neighborhood…

Are they really? Schmuck uses this approach to attempt to gain immediate consumer trust. Check with your neighbors before believing. If work is being done, compare estimates or ask opinions on the work quality.

They offer lifetime warranties or “stand” by their work…

Don’t fall for this guarantee! By the time the inevitable roof leak, or other problem occurs, no one will be around to inspect the damage – let alone, repair the issue. Schmuck will already be in Timbuktu chasing another storm and preying on another vulnerable community.

Guarantees the contract is the final price…

Schmuck will always promise the initial estimate– most likely the lowest cost compared to the local legitimate roofing contractors – is the final price. During the job, Schmuck will “discover” more materials are needed or additional damage which must be replaced. These “unexpected” addons could cost you thousands of dollars. It is possible for legitimate roofing contractors to discover hidden damage after the job starts, but Schmuck will almost certainly request more money during all jobs. An honest roofing contractor will be transparent and prepare you for the unexpected as much as possible.

They are here to educate…

Schmuck’s mission is “ABC” – Always Be Closing. More like, they’ll pressure you to make quick commitment to service for the best price and require large down payment or worse – full cost up front. May even promise to do the work for less than the insurance company estimate to “benefit” you by putting extra cash in your pocket. Even worse – sometimes Schmuck won’t return to start the job after receiving the payment. Leaving you with a leakier roof and an empty wallet!

Protect your investment…  

Always make sure you know who you’re hiring. Research on Google, visit their website or social media sites, read reviews online, make sure the roofing contractor is licensed and insured – don’t just believe it because they told you. All these things will help you find a roofing contractor you can trust to do quality work. Don’t be conned by “Schmuck in a Truck”.

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